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    1. Location: Homepage>News>Company News

      2008 National Day Cultural Show

      Update Time:2008-10-03

      In the evening of Sep. 25th 2008, JNS held a big cultural show named “Passional China, happy JNS” to celebrate the 59th anniversary for the establishment of the People's Republic of China, the staff of JNS and the subcontractors watched the performance together.

      The performance of the show was very strong , various kinds of performances, such as singing and dancing, opusculum, magic and so on . All the performers performed from their sincere heart to sing for tonight. The song << JNS Will Be Prosperous>> won the applause from thousands of spectators. And the show came to climax with the dancing << Night >>.
      Also, the show also take the lead in awarding for the outstanding athletes in “Basketball”, “Table Tennis” and “Long-distance Running” of the first “ JNS Games”.

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