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      Delivery of 31800DWT Bulk Carrier JNS121

      Update Time:2011-04-27
      26th April, 2011, the naming ceremony for JNS121/JNS122 and delivery ceremony for JNS121 have been successfully carried out at JNS. The 31800DWT Bulk Carrier with Hull No. of JNS121 is the sixth vessel built for Norden Shipping(Singapore) Pte.,Ltd by JNS, the constant improvement and better quality for this vessel made by JNS staff won a good reputation from Owner and BV.
      During the ceremony, Mr. An Bo, Vice President of JNS, on behalf of JNS expressed congratulation for the double naming of JNS121/JNS122 and delivery for JNS121, and also Mr. Chen Dong, Deputy General Manager of Guangdong Metals Recycling Corporation and Mr. Alex Hjortnaes, Senior New Building Manager of NORDEN(Denmark) warmly celebrated for the delivery of JNS121. Afterwards, Sponsor Mrs. Hanne Fibiger-Hjortnaes named JNS121“Nord Sydney” and Mrs. Eva Holst named JNS122 “Nord Melbourne” simultaneously.
      Copyright ? 2011 粵ICP備05143627號
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