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      JNS Starts Smooth Sailing With New Vessels in January 2016

      Update Time:2016-01-21

      JNS has succeeded in a striving of new vessels sailing as the new year begins.
      JNS held a double naming & delivery ceremony for two 39000DWT bulk carriers built for Fortune Ocean named XING RU HAI & XING YI HAI at JNS platform on January 21st with David Huang, President Executive Director of JNS, Sun Xingtao, Chairman of Fortune Ocean, and other guests gather to witness the sailing of early 2016.
      Those under the world’s shipbuilding industry was experiencing difficulties due to the depression in the shipbuilding market, JNS carried out significant event of delivery for two vessels, it is expected that JNS will be well finished in delivery in 2016.

      Copyright ? 2011 粵ICP備05143627號
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