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      Guangdong Shipbuilding Companies to Visit JNS

      Update Time:2016-05-26

      A Guangdong delegation, including 13 shipbuilding companies, visited JNS on May 25, 2016 to survey the operation status of JNS.Under the auspices of GASI Guangdong Association Shipbuilding Industry, the working visit, organized by GASI, with assistance of JNS and other 2 shipyards in Jiangmen, aims to discuss issue and socialize among enterprises, and also shows efforts by GASI in helping JNS develops its shipbuilding.
      This will also be an excellent opportunity for JNS to learn more about Guangdong large shipyards, state-owned and private shipyards, and foreign shipyards, as well as introduce their advanced technologies, service equipment and industrial production process.
      Copyright ? 2011 粵ICP備05143627號
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