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      Sinosure to Support JNS under Current Situation

      Update Time:2016-06-14

      The China Export & Insurance Corporation, which (commonly known as Sinosure) is a major Chinese
      state owned enterprise (SOE) under the administration of SASAC serving as the provider of export credit insurance, in particular coverage for the export of high-value added goods in China. Today paid a goodwill visit, in JNS , of discussing shipping economic situation, bank credit, ship guarantee letter and export credit insurance and so on.
      The party secretary and general manager of Sinosure Guangdong Branch Qu Dong said that, the situation which China's export products are confronted with is grim and various risks increase gradually, the international shipping market is still in the corner, and there is still no signs of recovery, by this Sinosure will try to encourage and support shipping industry that government could support domestic export credit and take a series of measures to support the shipyard to ride out the storm. The president executive director of JNS David Huang express gratefulness for the analyses of the current situation and problems of China's export credit insurance and the guidance for the bank and shipyard to realize mutual benefiting and win-win, and hopes Sinosure  puts forward some proposals to improve the development of China's export credit insurance soon.

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